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The tops four online jobs for teenagers in this time. we're gonna be talking about legit only jobs where you can actually make cold hard cash for doing real stuff. Now the job that I give are gonna be fantastic for both introverts and extroverts, some of the jobs are going to be having conversations with other people recording. your voice whereas the other jobs are going to be behind a computer screen. you can work as long as you want without anyone bothering you and if these sound like really fantastic opportunities. then make sure you watch until the end of the article where I talk about a job that can give you $1,500 every single month. the only requirements are that you need a computer and an internet connection. and that's it so, if you're interested you want to get started. why don't you throw me a comment down below because it really supports my website and being able to create this content for you as well? you know subscribe throw me a follow email button. if you want to see more tips on how you could be making money and without further ado let's get started.


Now the first job one of the only qualifications is that you need to be able to speak English. and if I'm imagining correctly if you're reading this content then you can understand and as well as you can speak English. and you could carry a conversation on with that and by just speaking English and having a computer and an online internet connection. you can actually be earning 10 dollars and 20 cents per hour. this online website is called


1. cambly -

and essentially it's an English tutoring online site and doesn't worry you don't need a teacher certification or any type of degree in order to qualify. I said earlier the only qualification is that you need to speak English .so you're probably wondering what is candling what do you do for gambling and essentially .what it is is you are becoming an English tutor and I'm not talking about any grammatical stuff or anything like that for example. if I'm outside of the United States and a non-English speaking country and I want to be able to practice my English or someone then I would sign up for family and cambly


This website will match me with someone whois fluent in English and we would just have a conversation online on webcam and allow me to be able to practice my English with you. and it's a really interesting job mainly because you are connected with people from around the entire world with different cultures, with different languages, different personalities. and it's really exciting because you actually get to learn some really cool factual information about someone else's culture, about their tradition, about the places. that they live and especially during this year right now and it's really important. if you miss traveling, if you miss meeting people because this is a great opportunity for you to sort of travel from within your home. just through webcam then being able to learn and speak with other people from different countries .and what makes can leave really exciting is that there's always going to be an opening for you to actually tutor someone .because when its night time for you it's gonna be morning for someone else when is morning for you then it's gonna be nighttime for someone else since it essentially carries presents in the entire globe so anyone on the planet. can be actively using it at any time it's a very reliable pay outsource .you get paid every single Monday through PayPal.

so there's nothing to be worried about in terms of it. as being a sketchy or scam or now let's say, you're not comfortable having a conversation with strangers online over at the Internet that completely fine my next recommendation that can earn you $10 for every review session. that you do is called


2. trymyUInow -

what a review session consists of what is a UI? UI is basically user interface and you are reviewing web developers or app developers their websites and their applications and specifically focusing on how usable it is for the user experience. so what you do is you get access to this very very exclusive pre-launch website or application, and you play around with it. and while you're playing around with you're gonna be recording your voice you're gonna be taking notes and playing around with it, in real-time you're gonna be voicing your frustrations. what you really enjoyed about the app or the website what you didn't like as well as what you definitely should keep and essentially. you are being paid to review something. so if you ever posted a review on Yelp and said this restaurant tastes terrible the service is horrendous and I wish they stopped putting. so much ice in my coke then you can carry over your expertise in Yelp reviews. Google reviews and is able to do that to a website and to be able to do that to an application and still get paid cold hard cash for that now in terms of how much you get paid like I mentioned it's about 10 dollars per review session. a review session takes about 20 minutes theoretically if you have three review sessions lined up back-to-back you could be making $60 per hour in terms of actual payment you get paid every single Friday via PayPal and similar to  Campbell.

 it's a very reliable payment experience before I get into my next recommendations leave a comment down below the question of the day is what are you trying to buy in 2021. my next recommendation is perfect for you if the first two jobs weren't appealing because you don't want to have a face-to-face conversation with a random stranger. or if you don't want to have your live reaction recorded via voice and you actually just want to be doing something behind the screen and not really interacting with next recommendation is called

3. GOtranscript -

NGO transcript allows you to earn one thousand two hundred and fifteen dollars every single month.


 and go transcript is a pretty simple concepts imagine I would hire you as a person who is watching this video and essentially what you are doing is trying to transcribe everything that I'm saying so you for example. if I give you my audio file of the justice video you would try to type out sentence by sentence word by word of what I am saying you don't have to interact with other people it's completely up to you. whenever there is a job posting you can feel free to grab it. My next recommendation is called and 

4. Rev -

is sort of like an online job marketplace that focuses on translation and transcribing and other stuff, like that but the creme de la creme or the cherry on top or whatever your cultural phrases or terminology is going to be the captioning service. the captioning service actually allows you the opportunity to earn fifteen hundred dollars every single month and essentially what you do as a captioner. if you ever watched a Netflix video or if you've ever watched a youtube video and you turned on those subtitles see the on that screen down below.

 It's basically voicing that is essentially the job of a captioner. you're trying to transcribe their message and voice out. what they're saying but also being able to match. it with when their mouth is moving .so it doesn't seem out of sync or even go transcribe. but really great opportunities for people who maybe don't want to interact with others or they want to stay more focused on just a computer and just being behind a screen and being able to work as many hours as they can. if you're interested in making money while you sleep check out my savings video over here where essentially what you do is you're parking your money in a savings account. that brings you six point one seven percent APY . so if you imagine it if you put $1,000 in your savings account you get sixty-one dollars and seventy cents in a year compared to the traditional savings rate you're making significantly more probably 60 times more than the national average.

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  1. This 4 website is best part time earning site. Thanks you.


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